Read more about Luca Blight at: Wikipedia Official Site: Konami The list of important characters in the role-playing game Suikoden II, primarily those who had key roles in the game. A number of these characters have appeared in its predecessor, Suikoden as well as the two Genso Suikogaiden games. For other characters, the 108 Stars of Destiny list contains the 108 characters from every Suikoden game in the series. The protagonist (named Riou in the Japanese novelization and Drama CD adaptation and Tao in the manga adaptation ), was a soldier of the Highland Army's Unicorn Youth Brigade. He is skilled in using tonfas and becomes the bearer of the Bright Shield Rune. As a child, the Hero had been left an orphan by wars and he and a girl named Nanami were adopted by a hero named Genkaku. He grew up in a small town in the Highland region called Kyaro and eventually became friends with Jowy Atreides. Along with Nanami, they would train under Genkaku to become strong fighters. The Hero and Jowy went on to join the Unicorn Youth Brigade.
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